
What If....

August 9th 2023 We got matched on Tinder and you messaged me first, asking about what shouldn't you missed while you were on your vacay in Bali. With no expectation at all (as I gave up on dating app), I just gladly gave you some recommendations. As a 'thank you', you offered me to meet for a meet up over coffee date.   August 11th 2023 Felt like the universe was in our side, we made it with the coffee date and spent the whole night together too. It was a nice chat, from coffee to pizza and some drinks.    August 12th 2023 The morning next day, as we separated, I just thought it wont getting anywhere. I hoped nothing. Then in the evening, you messaged me asking how was my gym session. And you shared your plans for next few days and asked me whether if it possible for me to be part of  it. I was a bit surprise, because I didn't think you would ask me for that. Then all were flowing naturally. You kept updating me your activities and else. As I had the online training, it

I'm Sorry God

Before, I always like the idea where some population of the earth (up to 50% maybe) get lessen, either by death or even just vanished like what Thanos did in Avenger movie.  I always love the idea, even if the one who disappeared is my self. But now, in the situation of pandemic Covid19, I hate my self for thinking about that scary thing like that. Who are me to think about the vanished or the death of many people? How dare me to ever think about that? It really hurts now, to read every bad news caused by this pandemic. There are thousands death cases. Thousands people suffer in the hospital (both patient and medical team).  Hundred thousands or even millions people suffer because lost their job, the source of their livelihood. What I'm afraid the most, we'll not only die because of the pandemic, but we die because we compete to survive in the chaos that might be happen. God, please forgive me to ever think about this crazy thing. Please forgive me because I acted as

In The Middle of Covid19 - Outbreak

Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)  is a new strain that was discovered in 2019 and has not been previously identified in humans. ( ). It first discovered in Wuhan, China in last of 2019. Later on, the China's government decided to lock down the city of Wuhan, to suppressed the transmision. And p er 11th March 2020 this COVID-19 outbreak declared as a pandemic by WHO. At the 1st time of this outbreak was announced globally, only few country took this matter seriously. Everything was still went on normally: the economy, the tourism, etc. Until major cases found in South Korea, Iran, and Italy. Italy also announced its lock down since the confirmed cases are rapidly increased with hundreds of death. Later, more confi

Berkunjung ke kampung halaman "Masha and The Bear": part 1 - Dari nemu tiket jackpot sampe ngurus visa

Jackpot Ticket: Lebih Murah Daripada Pulang Ke Medan dengan Pesawat Full Service Rusia: negara yang ga pernah masuk dalam destination list untuk travel gue. Terus apa dong alasannya Fatimah? Tak lain dan tak bukan adalah karena harga tiketnya yang bikin ngiler. "Cuma 5,6 juta rupiah dengan ThaiAirways , udah pergi-pulang dengan lama penerbangan 10 jam (di luar jam transit), dan full package pula! Gimana ga bikin ngiler tuh, di saat harga tiket domestik lagi gila-gilaan? Harga ini sama dengan tiket gue pulang ke Medan dari Surabaya, dengan make pesawat Batik Air 'aja'. Kalau pakai Garuda minimal 6,5 juta kwkwkw. Ditambah info-info dari blog-blog di Google dan seliweran sharing orang-orang di grup FB Backpacker Internasional dan Backpacker Dunia yang bilang kalau biaya hidup di sana itu murah, 11-12-lah dengan kota Jakarta. Akhirnya mantapin hati untuk beli tiketnya. Oh iya, untuk tiketnya nemu di IG @PromoTrip . Gue ngerekom akun ini banget. Bisa dipercaya deh

Everlasting story: Soposurung Fondation Dormitory (part 1) .... road to the celebration of the 11th year of TheUn19n

NB: Ini adalah draft tulisan yang udah gue mulai tahun 2014. Ternyata berhenti dan akhirnya bisa gue lanjutin setelah 5 tahun. And this is a writing toad to the 11th birthday of my lovely generation of Yasop: TheUNION a.k.a TheUn19n a.k.a The 19th Gen of Yasop. Awalnya, gue hanya berniat coba-coba dalam mengikuti tes masuk di sekolah ini. Hanya sebatas karena kesan 'keren' yang ditunjukkan oleh beberapa senior alumni SMP, yang datang untuk sosialisasi penerimaan siswa baru asrama Yayasan Soposurung (Yasop). Gue tertarik untuk mengikuti tes juga karena ingin terlihat keren dan pintar kalau berhasil lulus tes masuk. Apalagi, seleksi masuk Yasop terkenal sebagai satu seleksi masuk tersulit di Sumatera Utara. Seleksi masuk Yasop terdiri dari 3 tahap: seleksi administrasi, disusul seleksi akademis, dan terakhir tes kesehatan dan wawancara. Menarik untuk diikuti, pikirku saat itu. Dimulai dengan seleksi administrasi. Kami hanya perlu melampirkan fotokopi rapor, Kartu Kelu

Ekspedisi Papua Terang ~ Ketika Tuhan Memerintahkan Semesta untuk Bersahabat Denganmu

Kalau Danau Toba memiliki sebutan “Negeri Kepingan Surga” maka Papua dikenal dengan sebutan “Surga Kecil yang Jatuh Ke Bumi”. Tanah Mutiara Hitam di ujung timur Indonesia, yang sangat kaya akan sumber daya alam. Bukan cuma itu, tanah ini juga terkenal dengan keindahan alamnya serta kekayaan flora dan faunanya. Keunikan dan kekhasan budaya yang disuguhkan juga menjadi daya tarik tersendiri yang dia miliki. Sungguh tanah yang sangat diberkahi oleh Yang Maha Kuasa. Melihat langsung negeri paling ujung Indonesia adalah sebuah impian masa kecil. Memasuki masa SMA, keinginan tidak lagi hanya sekedar ingin melihat secara langsung, tapi juga ingin memberikan sedikit bakti. Menjadi seorang guru, sebuah cita-cita yang sempat saya pilih karena ingin memberi bakti melalui pendidikan. Namun rasa ego remaja tanggung akan pilihan bangku kuliah, memutus impian di tengah jalan. Sebuah pilihan yang sempat saya sesalkan karena lebih memilih rasa ego dibandingkan cita-cita. Seiring dengan berjalanny